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Example AllergyIntolerance: AllergyIntolerance 2

Generated Narrative

clinicalStatus: Active

verificationStatus: Confirmed

type: allergy

category: food

criticality: high

code: Allergic to pollen

patient: Generated Summary: Social Beneficiary Identifier: 79121137740 (OFFICIAL), Medical record number: 45XXP0PA-4 (USUAL); active; Josephine Nessa La Paradisio (OFFICIAL);, Phone: +322476792979, Phone: +3226718655, Phone: +322476799; gender: female; birthDate: 1979-12-11; Divorced

onset: 2004

recordedDate: Oct 9, 2014 5:58:00 AM

recorder: Generated Summary: id: 79121137740 (OFFICIAL), id: 18749704477 (OFFICIAL); Katherine Pulaski (OFFICIAL);, Phone: 022675198, Fax: 022675209; gender: female; birthDate: 1979-12-11

asserter: Generated Summary: Social Beneficiary Identifier: 79121137740 (OFFICIAL), Medical record number: 45XXP0PA-4 (USUAL); active; Josephine Nessa La Paradisio (OFFICIAL);, Phone: +322476792979, Phone: +3226718655, Phone: +322476799; gender: female; birthDate: 1979-12-11; Divorced

lastOccurrence: 2012-06

note: Some extra information can be given here.


substance: Silver birch pollen

manifestation: Cough

onset: 2012-06-12

severity: severe


substance: Douglas fir pollen

manifestation: Cough

onset: 2012-06-12

severity: mild